John Wooden is quite possibly the greatest coach in the history of sports. As the coach of the UCLA Men’s Basketball team, Wooden won 10 national championships in a 12 year period, including 7 in a row. No other team in men’s or women’s basketball has won more than 4 in a row. This also included an 88-game win streak, another NCAA record.

Wooden’s teachings have changed the lives of countless players and coaches – including Kareem Abdul-Jabaar, Bill Walton and Seahawks Coach Pete Carroll.

His book is one of the most impactful books I’ve had the pleasure of reading – with lessons covering family, love, coaching, leadership, faith and success.

One important note to make about Wooden was that the scoreboard didn’t always reflect his success. In fact, it took him 18 yeas of coaching before he won his first NCAA championship.

In this episode, I break down some of my key learnings from Coach Wooden. I hope you enjoy it too.

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