Here’s a Tuesday Tip for you. 

Aaron Orendorff wrote a great article for the New York Times about why your colleagues don’t read your writing (which Elissa Fink, former podcast guest, posted on LinkedIn and caught my eye). 

As a salesperson and leader, I write a lot at work.  Sometimes, people respond. Sometimes they don’t. If you’re like me, you may benefit from these tips from Orendorff’s article.

  1. Write less often 
  2. Use fewer words 
  3. Put action words in your subject line 
  4. Listen more, “talk” less
  5. Don’t answer, ask 
  6. Invert the order: lead with the need 
  7. Write a people-proof TL;DR
  8. Don’t make it about you 

You may want to complement this with Tucker Max’s Harvard Business Review article on how to write a cold email

The better we can communicate our ideas, the better the influence we’ll have over the outcomes of our lives.   

PS – Happy St Patrick’s Day!  Below is an Irish Prayer to add some color to your day.

This post is from our new series, Daily Momentum.  Each morning, we send a short, inspirational post via email, blog and podcast.  You can get it directly to your email here.  You can subscribe on iTunes here .