For years, I have been obsessed with driving the personal development of myself and others. Right now, I’m a B2B sales professional, blogger, podcaster and life learner. My #1 goal in life is to reach my full potential. This means total optimization of the most important areas of my life – financial, professional, health, relationships and spirituality. I want to be rich. I want to be a successful entrepreneur. I want to be in great health. I want deep relationships with those I care about. I’m competitive as hell. I don’t want to just win, I want to dominate. I strongly believe that the ultimate winners in the long-run are those that dig in and put in the most work. I’m energetic, enthusiastic and an optimist. Being energy-rich can change your life. I dream big. I set massive goals, visualize them, work for them and knock them down one by one. I’m building a mastermind of like-minded invididuals to help each other crush our goals. Interested in joining? Let me know.I know that life gives to the givers and takes from the takers. My goal of this entire site is to provide maximum value for YOU. I’m a sponge – learning from every person, experience, location and book I come across. I’m not perfect – far from it. But I’m here to share my story with you to learn from my success, failures and lessons along the way.

Tom Alaimo