“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen” – Michael Jordan
Jordan DeCicco called his older brother, Jake, to tell him the news. “I just called mom.  I’m dropping out of school to pursue the business.” Jake couldn’t believe it: his brother was leaving a full scholarship behind to start a coffee company.  In his head, he thought his brother was crazy. But his response surprised Jordan, and even himself: “I’m in”.   Not long afterward, the oldest of the three brothers, Jim, decided to leave his high-paying job on Wall St. to join the business.   In a matter of days, this went from “cool idea” to being all in.  That escalated quickly. But let’s take it back. As a collegiate student-athlete, Jordan DeCicco was tired.  On his way to early morning basketball practices, he found himself in front of convenience store refrigerators, discontent with the lineup of their energy drinks and bottled coffee loaded with sugar.  He knew there had to be a better way. He decided to scratch his own itch and turned to a blender in his dorm room, mixing together a combination of coffee, healthy fats, protein and zero sugar. Before long, his teammates, coaches, classmates and professors were all drinking it.  Jordan knew he was onto something. Still full-time students, Jordan and Jake decided to spend the summer seeing if this business had potential.  Rather than think about it, they took action. They went into Whole Foods, bought an Honest Tea and brought it back to their dorm room.  They replaced the label with one that they created and filled the bottle with their “super coffee”. Later that day, they returned to the same Whole Foods with this bottle, sold it to the manager and closed a deal with Whole Foods. That led to the nerve-wracking call to mom.  Leaving aside two full-ride scholarships and a high-paying job on Wall St., the three DeCicco brothers were in business.   They worked from 7 pm to 5 am in a distribution plant, spending the rest of their day delivering and selling the product. They beat the 40,000 to 1 odds (!) of getting on Shark Tank and made national headlines for their business. They even landed a $5M investment from an impromptu meeting with WeWork Founder Adam Neumann.   The lesson?   Luck doesn’t find you on your couch watching Netflix.  It finds you when you’re out there hustling, working towards your dreams. Their message to the world? If you change your energy, you can change the world.  I wrote about the importance of positive energy here following my Tony Robbins seminar.   It’s simple: you will see a reflection of what you put into the world.   So make the choice.  Put out positive, playful, hardworking energy.  And luck just might find you and give you the nudge you need along the way.

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